Training Course on “Grid Connected Renewable-Energy Power Generation Systems”(Supported by CMA)

Date:  18:30-21:30 (14-Nov, 21-Nov, 28-Nov and 5-Dec) and 9:30-12:30 (16-Nov)
Venue: Business Environment Council/ Jockey Club School of Chinese Medicine Building,Hong Kong Baptist University
Fee: Free of charge     
Contact Person : Green Council        Tel : 2810 1122
Email :

The captioned is organized by Green Council and supported by CMA. A Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) Scheme was introduced by power companies to promote renewable energy -- e.g. wind or solar energy – applications. New renewable energy facilities will be installed and connected to the main power grid. Green Council will provide a series of training course to enhance the capacity including technical knowledge and skills for the engineering professionals and environmental consultants who are or will become responsible for marketing, design, installation and/or management of RE power generation systems.For details and registration, please click HERE .