2023/12/19 The 57th Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo Opens
Showcasing Over 900 Booths to Captivate Visitors
2023/12/12 廠商會婦女委員會選出新一屆執委會(Chinese Only)
2023/12/11 廠商會祝願新一屆區議員展現才能
推動完善地區治理 回歸服務市民本心(Chinese Only)
2023/12/11 Vice Presidents of the CMA 43rd General Committee Elected
2023/12/07 Indulge in More Fun and Laughter at
The 57th Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo
2023/12/05 廠商會舉辦「ESG約章」證書頒發典禮2023(Chinese Only)
2023/12/04 2023年「香港名牌選舉」、「香港服務名牌選舉」、「香港新星品牌選舉」及「香港新星服務品牌選舉」初賽選出入圍品牌(Chinese Only)
2023/11/24 Dr Wingco Lo Elected as the 43rd President of the CMA
2023/11/24 廠商會率團赴廣州南沙考察
探索大灣區高新技術產業機遇(Chinese Only)
2023/11/20 廠商會率團赴江蘇省考察
深化港蘇經貿合作(Chinese Only)
2023/11/13 廠商會選出第四十三屆會董(Chinese Only)
2023/11/09 廠商會史立德續訪林世雄 
談香港道路和交通配套(Chinese only)
2023/11/07 廠商會成為廉署《誠信營商約章》首個合作伙伴
共建廉潔企業文化(Chinese only)
2023/11/07 廠商會嚴正抗議美國的制裁法案(Chinese Only)
2023/11/03 廠商會邀香港警務處處長蕭澤頤
講解最新騙案數據及警隊防騙工作(Chinese Only)