Co-events and Other Events

Date Titles
2024/03/13 MarketingPulse and eTailingPulse 2024 (supported by CMA)
2024/03/12 2024 HKIM Experience Sharing Seminar: 探討中東市場新機遇+鑽石博物館巡禮 (本會支持)

[Please see Chinese version]
2024/03/07-8 The first "OSH Innovation and Technology Expo" in Hong Kong – Free Entry
2024/03/04 全城零碳行動研討會系列 - 邁向可持續和智慧居所」研討會 (支持機構)
2024/02/22 香港三維打印行業「香港館」經驗分享會(本會支持)

2024/02/22 FinTech & ESG Alliance (FTEA) Official Launch Ceremony (supported by CMA)
From now until 2024/03/31 Labour Department invites employers to join the
Good Employer Charter 2024 (supported by CMA)
2024/01/03 Seminar on “Global Economic Prospects and Hong Kong’s Export Challenges and Opportunities in 2024”(supported by CMA)
2023/12/27 「一帶一路」[哈薩克、烏茲別克、吉爾吉斯]攝影講座(本會主辦) (Please refer to Chinese Version)
2023/12/23 誠邀出席「工展親子才藝比賽」(本會支持)
2023/12/19 Hong Kong Cyber Security New Generation Capture the Flag Challenge 2023: Seminar & Award Presentation Ceremony (supported by CMA)
From now until 2023/12/19 [Enroll Now] Young Techpreneur Project 2023-2024 (supported by CMA) - Up to HK$100,000 funding!
2023/12/07-8 HKTDC ENTREPRENEUR DAY 2023 (supported by CMA)
2023/1205-6 AALCO Annual Arbitration Forum 2023: Resolving Differences in a Changing World by Staying True to the Bandung Spirit  (supported by CMA)