The CMA 42nd General Committee is Formed

The election of members for the 42nd General Committee of the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong (CMA) took place from 10 to 12 November, and counting of votes was conducted in the Conference Hall of the CMA Building today (13 November).
The ceremonial unsealing of the ballot box was officiated by President of CMA cum Chairman of Election Committee, Dr Dennis Ng Wang Pun; advisor of Election Committee, the Hon Chan Wing Kee; members of Election Committee, Dr Allen Shi, Dr Edward Chan, Dr Wong Chun, Dr Lo Kam Wing and Mr Dennis Ng Kwok On, and Partner of Nexia Charles Mar Fan Limited, Mrs Brenda Chan. The process for counting votes was observed and audited by Nexia Charles Mar Fan Limited.

The 42nd General Committee comprises 110 members. As the governing body of CMA, the General Committee will be responsible for the management and supervision of the association during a 3-year office term, from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2023. The members will elect the President, Executive Vice President, Vice Presidents and Executive Committee members in accordance with the Articles of Association of the CMA.

President of CMA cum Chairman of Election Committee, Dr Dennis Ng Wang Pun (4th from the left); advisor of Election Committee, the Hon Chan Wing Kee (4th from the right); members of Election Committee, Dr Allen Shi (5th from the right), Dr Edward Chan(3rd from the right), Dr Wong Chun(2nd from the right), Dr Lo Kam Wing (3rd from the left) and Mr Dennis Ng Kwok On (2nd from the left); CMA Chief Executive Officer, Mr Raymond Young (1st from the left) and Partner of Nexia Charles Mar Fan Limited, Mrs Brenda Chan (1st from the right) posed for a photo at the CMA 42nd General Committee Members Election.
The list of members of the CMA 42nd General Committee (Chinese only)
徐晉暉 吳清煥 吳永嘉 楊志雄
史立德 劉文煒 黃家和 黃 震
陳國民 盧金榮 吳國安 馬介欽
李嘉惠 鄧 燾 劉健華 李慧芬
方 平 李嘉音 余立明 尹德輝
胡詠琚 吳長勝 沈運龍 梁偉浩
楊華勇 蔡志婷 李世傑 盧毓琳
關溢康 莊家彬 梁兆賢 蔡少森
許章榮 陳家偉 張呈峰 林凱章
顏明潤 吳懿容 王象志 鄭文彪
駱志鴻 陳耀雄 李惠中 馮國言
陳偉文 周維正 劉相尚 周紹榮
王樂得 張壽文 羅永順 吳為棉
初維民 查毅超 鄧錦添 孫榮良
洪明基 陳長有 羅永邦 林 潞
王曼源 黃詩岸 倫達基 賴偉星
駱百強 施榮恒 錢耀棠 李國明
梁 麟 何偉權 梁承傑 李錦雄
林蘭詩 陳 偉 梁日昌 潘慶基
張永鴻 顏明秀 黃偉鴻 胡子岐
吳家榮 黃國和 劉智穎 佘瓊峰
梁湘東 蔡承偉 劉宗明 楊全盛
孔憲榮 陳日強 張 傑 王淑筠
黃友輝 施清咸 楊莉瑤 馬楚力
吳碧君 黃繼雄 王偉樑 龐超貽
傅承蔭 陳曦齡 莫慕潔 柯家洋
高麗芳 林志強 陳婉華 吳景瀚
羅程剛 王漢杰