“Maker in China” SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global Contest 2022 – Hong Kong Chapter (Supported by CMA)
Contact: “Maker in China” SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global Contest 2022 – Hong Kong Chapter
Tel: 5505 4287 (Whatsapp)
Email: enquiry@smeiegc.hk
“Maker in China” SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global Contest 2022 – Hong Kong Chapter will be held in Hong Kong on August 19. This annual state level innovation and entrepreneurship contest is organized by China Centre for Promotion of SME Development, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China, Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People’s Republic of China, Department of Youth Affairs, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR. The event is also one of the celebration events of the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR, which is highly valued by the Central Government and Hong Kong Government. The aim of the contest is to promote the connections between innovative technology and enterprises, the innovation and technology projects and industrial parks, market-oriented operations and government policies, and to assist industries in collaborative innovation and industrial upgrading. Through the participation in the contest, one could be exposed to investors and enterprises in Hong Kong and the Mainland, explore unlimited business opportunities in the Greater Bay Area and integrate into the overall national development. Please access the following link: https://www.smeiegc.hk/apply/ for registration. For contest details please access the official website: www.smeiegc.hk. Date of registration deadline is 8 Jul 2022.
Tel: 5505 4287 (Whatsapp)
Email: enquiry@smeiegc.hk
“Maker in China” SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global Contest 2022 – Hong Kong Chapter will be held in Hong Kong on August 19. This annual state level innovation and entrepreneurship contest is organized by China Centre for Promotion of SME Development, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China, Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People’s Republic of China, Department of Youth Affairs, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR. The event is also one of the celebration events of the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR, which is highly valued by the Central Government and Hong Kong Government. The aim of the contest is to promote the connections between innovative technology and enterprises, the innovation and technology projects and industrial parks, market-oriented operations and government policies, and to assist industries in collaborative innovation and industrial upgrading. Through the participation in the contest, one could be exposed to investors and enterprises in Hong Kong and the Mainland, explore unlimited business opportunities in the Greater Bay Area and integrate into the overall national development. Please access the following link: https://www.smeiegc.hk/apply/ for registration. For contest details please access the official website: www.smeiegc.hk. Date of registration deadline is 8 Jul 2022.