The School Photography Competition in
Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR cum CMA’s 88th Anniversary
The School Photography Competition in
Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR cum CMA’s 88th Anniversary
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR and the 88th anniversary of The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong (CMA), CMA will organise “The School Photography Competition in Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR and CMA’s 88th Anniversary” to invite full-time students of Hong Kong Secondary Schools and Tertiary Institutions to submit entries.
The competition aims to encourage youth to discover, experience and appreciate this thriving city from different perspectives. Through the lens to showcase the customs & cultures, traditional festivals, historic buildings and cityscapes in Hong Kong, it could enhance the heritage spirit of youth photography.。The details of the competition are as follows:
Topic : Heritage in Hong Kong
Fascinating photos which capture one of the four elements of heritage in Hong Kong, i.e. the customs & cultures, traditional festivals, historic buildings and cityscapes.
Categories : 1) Secondary School Category
- All participants to the “Secondary School Category” must be full-time Secondary School Students in Hong Kong
2) Tertiary Institution Category
- All participants to the “Tertiary Institution Category” must be full-time ertiary Institution Students in Hong Kong
Prizes: One Champion – A trophy and HKD 6,000 cash prize
One First Runner-up – A trophy and HKD 4,000 cash prize
One Second Runner-up – A trophy and HKD 2,000 cash prize
Three Merit Awards – A certificate and HKD 500 cash prize
Ten Honorable Mentions – A certificate
Enrollment period : 2022 July 18 to November 7
Closing date for entries : 2022 November 7 (Monday)
(close at Hong Kong time 11:59pm)
Prize Presentation Ceremony : 2022 December at the 56th Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo
For more details and registration please see the following website or scan the QR code
Poster :
Registration form:
Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR cum CMA’s 88th Anniversary
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR and the 88th anniversary of The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong (CMA), CMA will organise “The School Photography Competition in Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR and CMA’s 88th Anniversary” to invite full-time students of Hong Kong Secondary Schools and Tertiary Institutions to submit entries.
The competition aims to encourage youth to discover, experience and appreciate this thriving city from different perspectives. Through the lens to showcase the customs & cultures, traditional festivals, historic buildings and cityscapes in Hong Kong, it could enhance the heritage spirit of youth photography.。The details of the competition are as follows:
Topic : Heritage in Hong Kong
Fascinating photos which capture one of the four elements of heritage in Hong Kong, i.e. the customs & cultures, traditional festivals, historic buildings and cityscapes.
Categories : 1) Secondary School Category
- All participants to the “Secondary School Category” must be full-time Secondary School Students in Hong Kong
2) Tertiary Institution Category
- All participants to the “Tertiary Institution Category” must be full-time ertiary Institution Students in Hong Kong
Prizes: One Champion – A trophy and HKD 6,000 cash prize
One First Runner-up – A trophy and HKD 4,000 cash prize
One Second Runner-up – A trophy and HKD 2,000 cash prize
Three Merit Awards – A certificate and HKD 500 cash prize
Ten Honorable Mentions – A certificate
Enrollment period : 2022 July 18 to November 7
Closing date for entries : 2022 November 7 (Monday)
(close at Hong Kong time 11:59pm)
Prize Presentation Ceremony : 2022 December at the 56th Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo
For more details and registration please see the following website or scan the QR code
Poster :
Registration form: