The HKIE Environmental Division Annual Forum 2025 (supported by CMA)

Date: 15 Apr 2025 (Tue)
Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Venue: 1/F, Grand Ballroom I-III, Crowne Plaza Hong Kong East, 3 Tong Tak Street, Tseung Kwan O, HK
Fee: Early Bird (on or before 28 Feb) $1,080, Full $1,280
Contact Person: HKIE Secretariat
Tel: 6937 5399
Climate governance aims to pursue mechanisms and responses to mitigate and adapt to the risks posed by climate change. It emphasizes a revolutionary concept of the need to proactively manage the environmental system, which interlinks society's behavior and climate responses, instead of passively working toward environmental protection goals. European Environment Agency recently further emphasized the synergies of simultaneously acting for climate mitigation and adaptation measures in urban environments, aiming to reduce atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and increase societal resilience to the consequences of climate change. Both mitigation and adaptation measures must work synergistically to face our current climate governance challenge.
Organized by the Environmental Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and supported by CMA, the proposed 2025 Annual Forum provides a timely platform for environmental experts and relevant stakeholders to agree on essential questions of the climate change agenda and brainstorm sustainable solutions. The forum is particularly to find out challenges and opportunities for engineers to participate in the mitigation and adaptation actions. Many of these actions in Hong Kong are in the domain of built environment and closely related to the sustainable development of the local construction industry.
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