Co-events and Other Events

Date Titles
2021 「新智能防偽技術先導計劃」(Chinese Version Only)
2021/12/17 新智能防偽技術工作坊 (Chinese Version Only)
From now to 2021/12/17 MY STAGE – Inter-School Fashion Design Competition 2021-2022(Please refer to the Chinese version)
2021/12/14 營商講座:解讀更高水平開放型服務貿易的發展機遇、「十四五」時期數字經濟和數字貿易的發展趨勢及後BEPS時代國際經貿與稅收合作的新態勢(Please refer to the Chinese version)
2021/12/08-10 2021 International Electronics Circuit Exhibition (Shenzhen)(Supported by CMA)
2021/12/02 - 2021/12/03 Business of IP Asia Forum (Support by CMA)
2021/12/01-03 SmartBiz Expo (Supported by CMA)
2021/12/01-03 The 13th Entrepreneur Day (Supported by CMA)
2021/12/01 BEC EnviroSeries Conference: Transforming Business for Sustainability (supported by CMA)
Now to 2021/11/30 The BOCHK Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards Programme (CMA Supports)
2021/11/30 Greater Bay Area Conference - Embracing New Opportunities: Connecting GBA with RCEP (Supported by CMA)
2021/11/23-26 Greater Bay Area Industrial Expo “Hong Kong Pavilion”
2021/11/23-26 Asia International Innovative Invention Exhibition 2021 & Asia International Innovative Invention Award 2021
2021/11/17 - 2021/11/18 Hong Kong International Computer Conference 2021 (HKICC 2021)(Supported by CMA)
2021/04/01-2021/11/12 Young Industrialist Awards of Hong Kong (YIAH) & Industrialist of the Year Award (IOY) 2021(Supported by CMA)