Co-events and Other Events

Date Titles
2022/06/16 「香港工商品牌保護陣綫-網上專題研討會」(本會支持)(Chinese Version Only)
From now till 2022/06/10 "The CLP Smart Energy Award 2022” Open for Entries Now (supported by CMA)
2022/06/09 The 23rd Annual Corporate and Regulatory Update Online Conference (ACRU 2022)(Supported by CMA)
2022/06/05 Hong Kong Green Day 2022(Supported by CMA)
2022/05/31 齊齊響應「無煙跑服日2022」 (本會支持) (Please refer to Chinese Version)
2022/05/26 2022 Hong Kong Retail Summit (supported by CMA)
From now to 2022/05/20 ESG Achievement Awards 2021/2022 (Supported by CMA)
From Now to 2022/05/20 Hong Kong Innopreneur Awards 2022 (Supported by CMA)
2022/05/20 Build a Secure Cyberspace 2022 “Cyber Security in Simple Ways” Webinar (supported by CMA)
2022/05/19 CAiRS Technical Seminar - AI-based Reliability & Safety - Transforming Smart Manufacturing and Smart City with Applications(Supported by CMA)
From now to 2022/05/13 2021/2022 Training and Development Needs Survey (Supported by CMA)
2022/05/11-12 Green Council - Training Course on “Establish greenhouse gas reduction targets: Science-based approach” (Supported by CMA)
2022/05/11 Building a Cyber Security, Cloud Protection and Privacy Framework(supported by CMA)
From Now to 2022/05 ​Hong Kong Shared Good Values :2022 Case Competition Open to Current Students(Supported by CMA)
2022/05/07 第二十六屆創意創業大賞 - 新常態創投論壇暨大賞簡介日(本會支持)
(Please refer to the Chinese version)