Co-events and Other Events

Date Titles
​2022/08/19-22 Hong Kong Computer & Communication Festival (HKCCF)
(Please refer to the Chinese version)
2022/08/18 香港工商品牌保護陣綫-網上專題研討會(本會支持)

(Please refer to Chinese version)
2022/08/05-07 7th Golden Age Expo and Summit 2022(GAES) (Supported by CMA)
2022/08/05 「電子商貿新形勢研討會」 暨 「資歷架構《能力標準說明》電子商貿增訂本業界諮詢」
(Please refer to Chinese Version)
2022/07/28 Embrace and Engage: The Way Ahead in Building a Dementia-inclusive Society Sharing Session (supported by CMA)
From now unitl 2022/07/08 “Maker in China” SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global Contest 2022 – Hong Kong Chapter  (Supported by CMA)
由即日起 Hong Kong Business Ethics Development Centre-Hong Kong A City of integrity and a level playing field
2022/08/03 Training and Development Needs Webinar 2022 (Supported by CMA)
2022/07/27-2022/07/29 Asian Licensing Conference 2022 (Online)
2022/07/19 Webinar on Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) AND Sustainability
2022/07/15 NAMI Seminar – Development of Sustainable Products Based on Innovative Environment Technologies (supported by CMA)
2022/07/07 Free Conference cum Digital DIY Portal Launch Ceremony (supported by CMA)
2022/07/03 Prelude – BIOHK2022 Webinar Series One: “Modern Chinese Medicine (Chapter 1)” (supported by CMA)
Until 2022/06/30 HKIE MIS Industry Award 2022 - Open for Entries Now (supported by CMA)