Co-events and Other Events

Date Titles
2022/04/28 HKIE Environmental Division Annual Forum (Webinar) “Engineering Net Zero Transition” (supported by CMA)
2022/04/25-28 Certificate of Business Continuity Institute (CBCI®) Certification Course (supported by CMA)
2022/04/25 Hong Kong Innopreneur Awards 2022 –Briefing Webinar (Supported by CMA)
2022/04/14 2022「最佳中小企業獎」、「中小企業最佳拍檔獎」及「鵬程中小企青年創意創業獎」線上說明會(本會支持)
(Please see Chinese Version)
2022/04/22 International Mother Earth Day 2022- Hong Kong Eco Action (Supported by the CMA)
2022/04/20-22     23th IE Expo China 2022-Hong Kong Pavilion(Supported by CMA)
2022/04/07 Lecture Series on Chinese Classics and Their Contemporary Resonances (Chinese Version Only)
From Now to 2022/03/31 HKIHRM Job Creation Scheme 2.0
2022/03/18 「善用數碼轉型策略 優化業務增實力」網上研討會 (Please refer to Chinese version)
2022/03/10-16 T2 - Hong Kong I&T Career Expo 2022 (supported by CMA)
2022/03/01 Sustainable Fur Summit (supported by CMA)
2022/02/28-03/03 2022 Virtual Hong Kong International Fur & Fashion Fair
2022/02/24 Webinar on Latest Technology and Development in Building Inspection (Supported by CMA)

2022/02/22 Green Council - Webinar on“Climate Change Mitigation “What can you do right now”(Supported by CMA)
From Now until to 2022/02 HKCS Computer Donation to People in Need (Supported by the CMA)