2024/08/14 ​廠商會向行政長官提交2024年《施政報告》建議書
以新質策略謀突破、多元產業開新篇(Chinese Only)
2024/08/09 CMA Welcomes William Chui as New Chief Executive Officer
2024/08/02 The 4th Hong Kong Brands and Products Shopping Festival Kicks Off Today
2024/08/01 「第4屆工展會購物節」加碼推出優惠
慶祝港隊健兒勇奪佳績(Chinese Only)
2024/07/31 廠商會邀香港海關關長何珮珊
分享香港海關在國際舞台上的角色(Chinese Only)
2024/07/25 The 4th Hong Kong Brands and Products Shopping Festival
Brings an Amazing Retailtainment Experience with the Brand New
Chillax Zone
2024/07/15 2024年「品牌選舉」正式啟動
「香港企業ESG發展現狀與動向調查」結果發表 (Chinese Only)
2024/07/08 The 30th Hong Kong International Education and Careers Expo Opens Today
2024/07/05 Hong Kong Business Community Welcomes Extension of Government Leases Ordinance
Ordinance Will Provide Certainty for Land Lease Policy and Foster Stable Business Environment
2024/07/03 廠商會邀運輸及物流局局長林世雄
分享局方最新重點工作(Chinese Only)
2024/07/02 回歸27年 廠商會對發展前景抱有信心 (Chinese Only)
2024/07/02 CMA Gearing up for a Series of Exhibitions
The 30th Hong Kong International Education and Careers Expo
Opens This Saturday
2024/07/01 廠商會舉行90周年紀念盃 共慶回歸(Chinese Only)
2024/06/28 廠商會歡迎中央政府提高內地居民旅客行李物品免稅額 (Chinese Only)
2024/06/24 廠商會舉行90周年誌慶暨2024行業聯歡晚宴
邀得商經局局長丘應樺 與300多位會員共襄盛舉(Chinese Only)