Comment and Analysis

CMA pays close attention to the latest trends and measures which are beneficial to industry upgrade and transformation, and conveys the most updated information and advice to its members with an aim to help them seize the opportunities. 

Date Article
2019/07/24 Night-time Economy: Lighting Up China’s Megacities (Chinese Version Only)
2019/06/24 Made in Vietnam: Next Asian Miracle? (Chinese Version Only)
2019/05/24 US-China Trade War: Game Never Over (Chinese Version Only)
2019/04/18 China’s Targeted Policy Package for Boosting Domestic Consumption (Chinese Version Only)
2019/03/13 China’s 2019 Government Work Report: To Recuperate and Reboost (Chinese Version Only)
2019/03/01 “Three Readings” of the Outline Development Plan for the Greater Bay Area (Chinese Version Only)
2019/02/12 Hong Kong Lantau Island: An Emerging Aerotropolis (Chinese Version Only)
2019/01/17 Hong Kong Economic Outlook and Inflation Prospects for 2019 (Chinese Version Only)
2018/12/27 Social Commerce: When Social Media Meets E-commerce (Chinese Version Only)
2018/12/20 CEPA’s New Agreement on Trade in Goods: The Last Leg Towards a Full-fledged FTA (Chinese Version Only)
2018/12/04 Xi-Trump Summit: Trade War Moving on to New Battlefronts (Chinese Version Only)
2018/11/26 Ten Years of Alibaba’s Double 11: The Ways Forward (Chinese Version Only)
2018/10/23 Cracking the Paradox of China’s Consumption Downgrade (Chinese Version Only)
2018/09/26 China’s Domestic Consumption Cooling Down: Ever Cloud has a Silver Lining (Chinese Version Only)
2018/08/23 Hong Kong Leveraging on Soft Power to Win the Competition for Talents (Chinese Version Only)