Date Article
2018/12/28 第53屆工展會第三期優惠大放送
連串瘋狂優惠 伴你迎接2019  (Chinese Only)
2018/12/28 ​第53屆工展會新增港珠澳大橋跨境巴士服務 
方便內地旅客參觀 (Chinese Only)
2018/12/21 連串精彩節目、至抵購物優惠
盡在第53屆工展會 (Chinese Only)
2018/12/20 廠商會代表團赴台灣考察
促進港台經貿交流 (Chinese Only)
2018/12/18 「工展80光輝同慶賀」舉行啟動儀式
邀請80名80歲長者一同慶賀 (Chinese Only)
2018/12/15 Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo Starts Today
Giving Out Tons of Incredible Offers to Celebrate its 80th Anniversary
2018/12/13 廠商會獎學金頒獎典禮
暨「商校合作計劃」及「社群共融:多元路向暑期培訓計劃」證書頒發典禮 (Chinese Only)
2018/12/12 「國家所需 香港機遇」領袖午餐會圓滿舉行
雲集工商及科技界精英 前瞻改革開放新機遇 (Chinese Only)
2018/12/10 「工展小姐」候選佳麗首次與市民見面
宣傳第53屆工展會  (Chinese Only)
2018/12/06 廠商會邀黃錦星局長暢談政府應對氣候變化等環保措施  (Chinese Only)
2018/12/04 Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo Celebrates its 80th Birthday
with Exciting Offers for Visitors
2018/11/26 ​「2018廠商會工商體育邀請賽」圓滿結束 31家團體近500位健兒參與競技聯誼 (Chinese Only)
2018/11/15 CMA and BDC strengthen connections with
Consul-Generals of Belt and Road countries
2018/10/27 The 7th Hong Kong Food Carnival Begins Today
A salute to a world fair of food
2018/10/24 廠商會好聲音邀請賽2018決賽圓滿舉行 (Chinese Only)