2023/07/26 Shop, Eat and Chill:
The 3rd Hong Kong Brands and Products Shopping Festival Brings the Summer Fun
2023/07/24 廠商會會長史立德續訪蔡若蓮 
談職業專才教育建多元出路 (Chinese Only)
2023/07/21 廠商會首辦「香港ESG獎」 現正接受報名!(Chinese Only)
2023/07/18 廠商會會長史立德專訪蔡若蓮  
大談教育策略助育英才 (Chinese Only)
2023/07/12 2023年香港「品牌選舉」正式啟動 (Chinese Only)
2023/07/08 The 29th Hong Kong International Education and Careers Expo Opens Today
2023/07/06 廠商會歡迎立法會通過區議會改組方案 (Chinese Only)
2023/07/03 The 29th Hong Kong International Education and Careers Expo
To Bring Together Thousands of Leading Institutions and Premium Jobs
2023/07/01 ​廠商會祝賀多位成員獲頒勳章和勳銜 (Chinese Only)
2023/06/29 廠商會倡政府發展工業旅遊握商機 (Chinese Only)
2023/06/21 廠商會辦「《南沙方案》發佈1周年暨『穗港協作』宣講會」
助穗、港企業把握「一帶一路」商機 (Chinese Only)
2023/06/13 廠商會歡迎特區政府推出輸入外勞新方案 (Chinese Only)
2023/06/05 ​廠商會倡維持現行最低工資檢討機制 (Chinese Only)
2023/06/05 廠商會會長史立德續訪丘應樺 
談發展經貿合作和「十四五」規劃下的部署 (Chinese Only)
2023/05/24 廠商會會長史立德專訪丘應樺 
談貿易前景和搶企業 (Chinese Only)