Co-events and Other Events

Date Titles
From now on until 2021/09/30 PVCHK Learning Enterprise Award 2021 (supported by CMA)
2021/10/27 - 2021/10/30       Eco Expo Asia 2021(Supported by CMA)
2021/10/28 《中小企復甦之路·優化行業新趨勢》中小企智囊論壇2021(本會支持)(Please refer to the Chinese version)
2021/09/30 食品及餐飲業界轉型: 全新餐飲平台與網店攻略研討會( Please refer to the Chinese version)
2021/09/24 Build a Secure Cyberspace 2021 “Be Smart Online, Stay Away from Pitfalls”Webinar cum GIF Graphic Design Contest Award Ceremonyr (supported by CMA)
2021/09/24 拆解AI、視覺檢測如何做到「智能」管理及數碼營銷大法研討會(Please refer to the Chinese version)
2021/09/19-22 全民「燈」月(Please refer to the Chinese version)
2021/09/15 HKIoD Directors’ Symposium 2021 – “Leading in New Normal” (supported by CMA)
From Now  Poly U Tech Salon 2021 Webinar - How is FashTECH disrupting the industry landscape?-AWebinar Video and Feature Articles (Supported by CMA)
From Now IP Manager Scheme (Plus)(Supported by CMA)
2021/07/07-10 Hong Kong 3D Printing Association – 5C05 “Hong Kong Pavilion” (supported by CMA)
2021/04/23-2021/11/23 HKICT Awards 2021: Smart Living Award (Supported by CMA)
2021/03/26- 2021/09/30  Happiness at Work Promotional Scheme(Supported by CMA)
2021/09/30 職安健星級企業-回收再造業職安健提升計劃
2021/06/18-2021/09/17 HKDA Global Design Awards 2021 (Supported by CMA)